imma write this post entirly in leet minus most of the spelling and grammer errors.
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I am rather bored. my parents are going to make me go to the doctor soon. i loathe the doctor so. mainly because of the needles. oh how i hate the needles. so i need an excuse of why i cant go. please leave comments on ideas i could do and get away with.
side note: i havent decided what i should make my news about. my life or random funny stuff that hits me at the time or random rants. SOOOOoooo........ leave ideas on that to please. but seeing as houw on average i get 1 comment thats not spam on my posts i guess he/she/it will decide on my future posts. that is if i like the idea if not then meh ill stick with just doing what comes off the tp of my head and im in the mood for.
now if you actually sat thro all that kudos so i shal end this with ... ummm ... with ... i unno a funny picture of a ... ummmmmmm llama? ... yes llama lets go with that.